KC Tenants Power


Our endorsements are more than just a logo on a website. They represent the support of over 5,000 KC Tenants Power members and allies across KCMO. We are all-in, ten toes down, boots on the ground, and ears to phones for this slate.

KC Tenants Power assessed candidates for the 2023 municipal elections on their background, positions on a range of issues in The People’s Platform, campaign financing, and responses to our questionnaire. We are making two levels of endorsements in the primary: Tenant Champions and Tenant Allies.

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Jenay Manley portrait

Jenay Manley, 2nd District At-Large: Jenay Manley is a single mom, running to be the first Black person to represent the Northland, focused on addressing the root causes of poverty and violence. After serving tables for ten years and working overnight shifts at QuikTrip during the pandemic, she turned to organizing as a tool to build a better future for her children. Jenay is a great listener, a skilled negotiator, and a fighter for the people. Since Jenay is running for an At Large seat, anyone in the city can vote for her. Visit jenayforkc.com

Johnathan Duncan portrait

Johnathan Duncan, 6th In-District: Johnathan Duncan is an Iraq War veteran who's spent the last 15 years fighting to make sure the people who've served our country have what they need to be healthy and whole. Johnathan is committed to building a world where no one has to go to war to have their basic needs met. Johnathan knows when to lead and when to follow. He is a team player. Since Johnathan is running In District, only residents of the 6th district can vote for him. Visit duncanforkc.com


Melissa Robinson portrait

Melissa Robinson, 3rd In-District: Melissa Robinson is the President of the Black Health Care Coalition organization and the former Board President for Kansas City Public Schools. Melissa is committed to continuing her service of speaking up for those who have endured systemic silencing. Melissa has a solid track record of supporting the voices of Kansas Citians and aligns heavily with nearly all of the People’s Platform values. Since Melissa is running In District, only residents of the 3rd district can vote for her. Visit melissarobinson.org

Eric Bunch portrait

Eric Bunch, 4th In-District: Eric Bunch is a father who believes that government was established to care for the people. As Kansas City grows, Eric promises to prioritize getting feedback from residents and business owners on what [the City] can do to improve services and make sure they are meeting the needs of the community. Since Eric is running In District, only residents of the 4th district can vote for him. Visit ericwbunch.com

Michael Kelley portrait

Michael Kelley, 5th District At-Large: Michael Kelley is the policy director for BikeWalkKC. Michael supports truly affordable housing and his stated values align heavily with the People’s Platform. Michael is ready to tackle any and all challenges that our city may face. Since Michael is running for an At Large seat, anyone in the city can vote for him. Visit kelleyforkc.com

Andrea Bough portrait

Andrea Bough, 6th District At-Large: Andrea Bough is an attorney who has volunteered countless hours of service to many charities over two decades and served on numerous committees and boards throughout Kansas City. Andrea focuses on inclusion of all voices to make reasoned and balanced decisions on the City Council. Since Andrea is running for an At Large seat, anyone in the city can vote for her. Visit andreaforkc.com

Donate to KC Tenants Power

Donating to KC Tenants Power supports our work to educate the public, engage the community, and mobilize tenants to take our city back. Donations pay for things like clipboards, materials, organizing teams, and more.

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Being a member means you will get periodic updates and opportunites to throw down, knock doors, etc.

The People’s Platform

The People’s Platform is a statement of our values and our vision for the city.